Romans 8:31-
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
is the worst emotion for a Christian to have. Because of fear, we
either do those things we should not or fail to do what we must. A
fearful man becomes angry, a fearful man kills needlessly, a fearful
man runs from responsibility and is a reproach upon himself.
However, many will overlook the sin of cowardice. We justify it
within ourselves and often “coddle” others who struggle with it.
What the Christian forgets in these instances is what God truly
thinks of the coward. In Revelation 21:8, what is the very first sin
mentioned in the list? It is cowardice. God has no use for a coward
in His kingdom. Those who shirk from duty and hide from the world
instead of standing for what is right will be cast into hell with the
liars, murderers and sexually immoral.
does not mean that fear does not have its proper place. There are
things we should fear, such as sin and the spiritual harm of others.
In fact, it is perfectly natural to have the fear of facing death,
even if it is for God. However, it is when we allow that fear to
control us that we fail to do what we must is when it becomes sinful.
We must take courage and face whatever we fear with complete
confidence in God. However, we do not do this without any assurance.
God has given us many reasons to take courage and do the work He has
called us to do.
- God
is for us: If we stay true to
God and fully submit ourselves to Him, He will stand with us. Our
introductory passage in Romans reminds us that if God is for us,
nothing can stand against us. The greatest proof of that is found
in the book of Joshua. As the children of Israel conquered the
land, they faced many people mightier than they. However, we see
that they defeated everyone that they faced. The only time they lost
was because they had sinned and God had left them. We can have this
same confidence today. God is truly all powerful and the devices of
man and Satan can do nothing to permanently harm the child of God.
- They
can only kill the body: Jesus
addressed this very thing during His ministry. In Matthew 10:28, he
tells us to not fear the one who can kill the body but not the soul.
What we must take from this is that even if death is our earthly
reward for serving Christ, our soul will be taken care of. The
Christians of the 1st
century realized this. Stephan when he was stoned with his dying
breath asked God to forgive his murderers (Acts 7:60). Paul at the
end of his life faced death courageously (2 Timothy 4:6-8). A
Christian has nothing to fear from death.
- The
reward is great: In Matthew 5,
Jesus again encourages His listeners by promising a reward to those
who suffer. Again in 2 Timothy 4, Paul was looking to the reward
that comes after death. Peter and James each made remarks in this
regard as well (1 Peter 4:12-19; James 1:12). The Bible permeates
with the promise of a reward for the faithful. However, the only
way to achieve it is to live a life faithful to Him and to leave the
physical world. We must remember that the reward is not physical
but spiritual and worth more than anything this world has to offer.
we see that the Christian has nothing to fear. For these three
reasons alone we should stand firm in our faith. With God on our
side we can do anything, as long as it is in accordance with His
will. We are truly unstoppable and nothing but our own fear and
selfishness can change that. Let all Christians who read this gain
the strength and courage to do as God would have them to.